About The Family Plaza
Step into the Family Plaza and be awestruck by its impressive sculptures. Among them is the stunning St. Joseph With Jesus in the Workshop, as well as the touching Footprints in the Sand and Let the Children Come to Me. Admire the skill and beauty of each piece and feel inspired by their meaningful messages.

Let the Children Come to Me
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these…And He took the children in His arms and blessed them.

Joseph & the Child, Jesus
Saint Joseph is a model for all husbands and fathers. So parents teach your children as Saint Joseph to be a good example of prayer and hard work, respect and generosity. And fathers teach your children to love and respect their mother and lead by example by spending more on others than you do on yourself. Mothers teach your children to honor their father, love God, and help out around the house, and all families be sure to go to church every Sunday. It's the Lord's Day we should show our gratitude.

Footprints in the Sand
My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never ever, during your trials in life. When you only saw one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

The Joy of the Family
At the heart of The Family Plaza is a celebration of the most precious bond - family. The Joy of the Family of Mary and Joseph with the child Jesus is a shining centerpiece, heralding the significance of the family.